Convection can be of two types: natural convection and forced convection . 对流可分为两类,即自然对流和强制对流。
Droplet ignition and extinction in practical combustors are strongly influenced by forced convection and turbulence . 在实际燃烧室中,液滴点火和熄火受到强迫对流和紊流的强烈影响。
In forced convection the movement of the fluid or gas is caused by an external agent which gives rise to pressure differences . 在强制对流中,液体或气体的运动是产生压力差的某种外营力造成的。
Forced convection constant temperature drying ovens 空气幕送风定温恒温器
Forced convection constant temperature ovens 生产送风定温恒温器
There are two modes of convection : free convection and forced convection 热对流的花样最多,且和流力有密切关系。
Heat transfer by forced convection 强制对莲热
Forced convection air cooler 强制对琳气冷却器
Directional solidification of zn - 2 . 75 cu alloy and the effect of acrt forced convection 合金定向凝固组织及对流的影响
Experimental study on axial wall heat conduction for steel microtube under forced convection 过冷水环状两相流传热特性实验研究